April 6, 2018

APPL-01: Smart City Applications & Technology Issues

11:00  -  11:45
Room 204

This panel session explores important aspects of emerging Smart City applications. The panel will discuss issues and opportunities related to Smart City technology and application deployments, including new business models, technology barriers, and application concepts enabled by new technologies. Key Smart City areas to be covered include transportation, municipal area networks, advanced services, healthcare, and […]

Click for more information on 'APPL-01: Smart City Applications & Technology Issues'

APPL-02: AI and the Microsoft Knowledge Graph Vision

11:45  -  12:30
Room 204

AI intelligence will change how we live, work and play. Microsoft AI and the Microsoft Knowledge Graph are helping shape the next generation of AI-infused technologies for people and cities everywhere. Come learn about the Microsoft AI portfolio and how you can contribute to the change.

Click for more information on 'APPL-02: AI and the Microsoft Knowledge Graph Vision'

APPL-03: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Smart Cities

14:00  -  14:45
Room 204

APPL-04: Smart City Applications & Services from Metering, Lighting and Parking

14:45  -  15:30
Room 204

Affordable Housing in Austin, A Case Study in Smarter Cities Business Model Funding

16:00  -  16:45

While there is no shortage of Smarter Cities ideas and opportunity for technology to improve City services, the challenge has been how to find business models that every City can leverage to deploy them.  In this presentation, we’ll cover several examples that are showing promise in helping people find available affordable housing, and make the […]

Click for more information on 'Affordable Housing in Austin, A Case Study in Smarter Cities Business Model Funding'