Thank you to our Track Chairs and Paper Reviewers
Thank You to all the Track Chairs who coordinated and advocated for the acceptance of papers in our Technical Program:
Program Track | First Name | Last Name | Organization | Country |
Wind Energy Systems | SM | Muyeen | Curtin University | Australia |
Photovoltaic Energy Systems | Hua | Geng | Tsinghua University | China |
Smart Grids Applications | Ahmed | Aldurra | Khalifa University of Science & Technology | UAE |
EV/PHEV/HEV Powertrain | Sheldon | Williamson | University of Ontario Institute of Technology | Canada |
EV/PHEV/HEV Charging | Burak | Ozpineci | Oak Ridge National Lab | USA |
Electric Machines | Ayman | EL-Refaie | Marquette University | USA |
AC/DC, DC/DC, and DC/AC Converters | Bulent | Vural | Yildiz Technical University | Turkey |
Control of Power Electronics Systems | Danilo | Brandao | Federal University of Minas Gerais | Brazil |
Energy Storage Systems | Arnaud | Gaillard | University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard | France |
Modeling and Control of Power Systems | Varaprasad | Oruganti | Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering | India |
Communications in Power Systems | Mohammad | Babakmehr | Ford Company | USA |
Energy Conversion for SmartGrids and Technology | Tiago | Busarello | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | Brazil |
Optimization of Power Systems | Mohammad | Abido | KFUPM | Saudi Arabia |
Education in Electrical Engineering | Flah | Aymen | National School of Engineering of Gabes | Tunisia |
Energy Market, Polices, Codes, and Standards | Farnaz | Harirchi | S&C Electric Company | USA |
Cyber and Physical Security of Power Systems | Tim | Weil | SecurityFeeds LLC | USA |
Reliability, Resilience, BlockChain | Ahmed | Zobaa | Brunel University London | UK |
Industry Track, Panel, Keynote, Industry Presentation | Bri-Mathias | Hodge | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | USA |
Publication Standards and IEEExplore Compliance | Ahmed | Mohamed | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | USA |
Thank You to all the Reviewers who evaluated and scored the papers submitted for review:
Ahmed Zobaa | Jinshun Su | Robin Roche |
Alexandre Moreira | John Orlando | Romain Tabusse |
Alireza Tajfar | Jongchan Choi | Rong Zeng |
Allan Cupertino | Keith Sherringham | Shady Abdel Aleem |
Arnaud Gaillard | Lais Vitoi | Sheldon Williamson |
Ayman EL-Refaie | Li Boyang | Shengrong Zhuo |
Bri-Mathias Hodge | Liaqat Ali | Sina Vahid |
Bulent Vural | Loic Vichard | Slaven Kincic |
Burak Ozpineci | Lorrana Rocha | SM Muyeen |
Danilo Brandao | Lucas Araujo | Thiago Oliveira |
Dowon Kim | Mahdi Debouza | Tiago Busarello |
Eduardo Liberado | Md Shafiullah | Tim Weil |
Erick F. Alves | Moazzam Nazir | Uzma Amin |
Farnaz Harirchi | Mohammad Abido | Varaprasad Oruganti |
Flah Aymen | Mohammad Hasanuzzaman Shawon | Waner Silva |
Furkan Akar | Mostafa Nazemi | Wenze Ding |
Gabriel Azevedo Fogli | Mostak Mohammad | Xiaomin Jiao |
Geovane Reis | Muhammed Worku | Xiuqiang He |
Hanqing WANG | Onur ELMA | Yifu Li |
Helmo Kelis Morales Paredes | Pankaj Goyal | Zhiwei Xu |
Ismail Aksoy | Phani Marthi |