Thursday Morning, 8:10AM

Yanbin Ye
Director of Data Science, Walmart Inc.
A forward-thinking engineering leader with over 20 years of experience, dedicated to advancing innovation and excellence in data and AI systems.
With a strong background in data product development, delivered high-impact solutions in various domains, such as energy, customer data products, bioinformatics, digital marketing, and retail.
As the director of Data Science at Walmart, Dr. Ye focuses on implementing End-2-End AI solutions to enable data/AI-driven business insights and enterprise digital transformation.
Thursday Lunch, 12:00PM

Tyson Miller
Hydrogen Project Engineering Manager, Black & Veatch
Tyson Miller is a Project Engineering Manager within Black & Veatch. He leads the technical activities of project engineering teams to be completed on budget and schedule for hydrogen, biofuels and fertilizer projects. Tyson is focused on solving unique design issues involved with emerging technologies. In his previous roles he has supported the technical, project controls and procurement teams of multiple detailed design projects. In previous years, as a process engineer Tyson supported all phases of project work ranging from conceptual design and process simulation to detailed engineering. He has provided commissioning and startup field support for a variety of Oil & Gas technologies on multiple continents. Tyson has twelve years of experience with Black & Veatch after graduating from the University of Missouri – Columbia with a BS in Chemical Engineering.

Duane London, P.E.
Electrical Engineer, Black & Veatch
Duane holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, with an undergraduate minor in business administration and a graduate focus in power and energy systems. He is an electrical engineer with Black & Veatch, supporting both conventional and renewable generation projects. Duane has direct experience designing utility-scale solar facilities, rooftop solar facilities, and green hydrogen. His technical competencies include electrical protection/coordination, relay programming, electrical system studies, arc flash analysis, and harmonic analysis. Duane is committed to helping clients leverage green technologies to meet their sustainable generation goals.
Thursday Evening Keynote

Lisa V. Perry
Director, Utility Partnerships for Walmart, Inc.
As part of the utility team, Lisa is actively involved in helping Walmart meet its sustainability goals by working directly with utilities across the United States on electric vehicle charging initiatives, demand response opportunities, renewable energy programs, energy efficiency, vehicle electrification plans, and resiliency, and by participating in state regulatory utility proceedings.
Lisa received from the University of Florida her law degree in 1999 and an L.L.M. in Taxation in 2000. She also completed a B.A. in Criminology and a B.A. in Psychology at the University of South Florida. Prior to joining Walmart, Lisa represented Walmart as outside counsel in general rate cases and renewable energy dockets before utility Commissions in Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, and Louisiana.
Friday Morning, 8:00AM

Mark Bowling
Chief Risk, Security, and Information Security Officer, Extra Hop
Mark Bowling is the Chief Risk, Security, and Information Security Officer at ExtraHop. Mark is responsible for all aspects of operational risk for ExtraHop, as well as responsible for all aspects of security, to include facility, personnel, and physical security. Mark also fills the role of CISO, and is responsible for all aspects of cyber security for ExtraHop Networks. Building on his three decades of experience working in government with the military, intelligence community, FBI, and Department of Education Office of the Inspector General, as well as several years in private consulting, Mark continues to work directly with ExtraHop customers to reduce their operational and corporate risk, advising on cybersecurity, risk management, and risk mitigation strategies.