Obtaining a Letter of Confirmation may facilitate your U.S. Visa application

Read the COVID-19 Notice

If you need a letter confirming your conference meeting registration to help with your efforts to obtain a visa to attend the IEEE Green Technologies, we can provide a confirmation letter for you for this conference so long as you have:

  1. Already registered for this conference
  2. Paid the conference registration fee

You will be sent a Visa Confirmation Letter along with your registration confirmation.  Ensure that all information in the letter is correct and submit with your Visa Application.  Confirmation letters will not be initiated until notification of payment from IEEE.

The content of confirmation letters is very strictly controlled. We regret that we are unable to provide letters for companions and spouses who may be accompanying potential delegates.

Visa applications are currently subject to a greater degree of scrutiny than in the past. Many applicants may be required to appear in person for an interview as a part of the visa process. Applicants affected by these procedures are informed of the need for additional screening at the time they submit their application and are being advised to expect delays. Therefore, attendees are advised to apply no later than 3 months prior to the conference if possible.

Note that in the event that you are denied a visa, send an email to our Technical Program Chair (technical-program-chair@ieeegreentech.org/2024) requesting the refund and explaining the circumstances.  We will provide a refund minus the Administration Fee (see Registration) of your conference registration.

Additional information on Visa processing is available at the website of the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs Visa Services:

If you need assistance, please contact: