The IEEE Working Group P2784 was launched using a framework and policies document originally crafted by Jon Salisbury and his team at smartLINK & Nexigen. Jon is the co-chair (or vice-chair) of the working group and several of his colleagues are active members and contributors. The PAR was submitted, and then approved in September of 2017. Zack Huhn was named working group chair to help create a cohesive group of interdisciplinary and interagency collaborators.
The P2784 working group was formed, and our policies and procedures document was voted on and approved (pending IEEE approval) during our December monthly meeting. Jon and team began working in depth on the ‘connectivity’ and ‘security’ sections of the framework and support document, and outlined areas of support where WG members could have the most impact.
We reconvened at the beginning of the year (January 2018) and began to rethink how we will collectively tackle each document section given the scope of what’s called for, index tags, and category descriptions, and overall framing. The recognized need to overlay planning was discussed as the project is responsible for both the technology standard and the planning process for governments and agencies.
Our monthly meeting in February acted to realign the group around this new way of thinking walking in lock step with the teams at NIST and other federal agencies with a hope of getting the standard developed and approved by Fall 2018. Leslie Martinich was named the WG secretary, and leadership will begin moving all of the resources, assets, and working documents to the iMeet Central workspace to simplify efforts and ensure fluid access with security concerns. Additionally, leadership outlined sub tasks and task forces to begin expanding group capacities and efforts.
Our goal throughout the month of March is to frame the document, benchmark goals, and prepare each section for workshop and review for a special in-person meeting on
April 4th where working group members will be able to break out into groups and sections during the IEEE Green Tech: Smart City Conference to help streamline and expedite collaborative efforts.
● Governance and Planning
● Technology and Security Policies
● Section-Specific (see planning document)
Task Forces:
● Government and Planning Task Force
○ Ensure government sided challenges are understood at each level (Local,
County, State, Federal, International)
○ Create a basic ‘policy and planning’ framework to overlay the technical policies in
order to act as a ‘guide’ for the process requirement in our mission
● Research Task Force
○ Resource aggregation of existing standards, blueprints, and planning frameworks