Exhibits will be in Room 103 from 09:00 – 18:00
Registration — Second Floor of AT&T Conference Center
Continental Breakfast & Coffee
Welcome to Austin and Opening Remarks
The accelerating rate of technological advancement will drive a fundamental change in how the Army organizes, resources and conducts operations on its installations. For over two centuries, the Army has relied principally on geography to protect its bases from foreign powers. Unpredictable global politics and the diffused application of abundant technology are shrinking our natural […]
The number of connected devices and connected sensors has now exceeded the human population. Advancements in sensors, advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence will help minimize mundane tasks enabling a higher functioning society and further evolution of the 4th Industrial Revolution. This presentation will cover the modern history, current and future of microelectromechanical systems and sensor technologies that continue paving the […]
Networking and Coffee on First Floor
Recently the City of Austin released its Smart Mobility Roadmap with a focus on shared, electric, and autonomous mobility. In this session Karl Popham, the roadmap’s electrification lead, will define why each of these three components are important for Austin and its utility. This includes Austin’s Smart City vision to address mobility, congestion, affordability, and […]
Study of the Effect of Using Different Solar Tracking Time-Steps on the central tower receiver Power Plant – Ahmed Moustafa, Adel Elsamahy, Mohamed Rady and Amr Amin. Current Control Mode in PV Systems Integrated with dc-dc Converters for MPPT: an IDA-PBC Approach – Isaac Ortega Velázquez, Gerardo René Espinosa Pérez, Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo, Alejandro […]
Transportation Mobility Problem: Move people, assets (goods) efficiently and safely. Solutions and Strategies for Smart Cities: Technologies, products, operation, services etc The multi-dimensional aspects on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) http://its.dot.gov , cover the following topics: Electrification and wireless charging (EV-cars, EV-drones) Autonomous vehicles (Safety and security) Sharing Economy, last-mile for public transport (Uber, On-demand Van pool, bikes..) Transportation […]
Smart Grid Interoperabilty and Cybersecurity
The panel will update the audience with some of the current initiatives launched by Austin CityUp towards building Austin as a smart city. This include smart second street lab, mobility, health, education and others. Technology enabled solutions from sensing, networking to analytics will be presented. The team will bring the audience to the latest in […]
Model Predictive Control for Building Energy Reduction and Temperature Regulation – Tian Zhang, Man Pun Wan, Bing Feng Ng and Shiyu Yang. Literature Survey on Short-Term Voltage Stability Effect, Cause and Control – Chesta Dwivedi.
Lunch in Tejas Room
This Panel will bring about greater awareness of best of class examples of smart cities such as Sweden, Mexico, EU Funded Smart cities, and Asian cities’ research projects.
This panel will discuss ongoing and prospective pilots to deploy and incentivize the use of innovative technologies in real transportation networks, including autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles and innovative transit solutions.
Flexibility Measurement of Power System Generation for Real-Time Applications Using Analytical Hierarchy Process – Ahmed Shetaya, Rasha El-Azab, Amr Amin and Omar Abadalla. Household Load Forecasting based on a pre-processing Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Techniques – Ahmed Ebrahim and Osama Mohammed.
Application of Internet of Things (IoT) for Machine Condition and Environmental Monitoring – Muhammad Khan and Nansong Wu
In this panel you will learn about the latest use cases and technologies that utilities are deploying to further automated their power grids while also aligning themselves as providers of smart city infrastructure and services for the customers that they serve. As an example, Austin Energy services the Cities of Austin, Rollingwood, West Lake Hills, […]
Smart city leaders across from Dallas to San Antonio to Austin share the smart city initiatives and use cases.
Development of Smart Interior Environmental Mobile App for Health Monitoring – Rosemarie Day and Hassan Salehi. Modeling the Determinants of Residential Appliance Electricity Use Single-Family Homes, Homes with Electric Vehicles and Apartments – Marzieh Jafary and Les Shephard.
Networking and Coffee
The city of Austin, TX is at the forefront of energy efficient and shared mobility services such as ride-hailing, bike-sharing, car-sharing and electric last-mile micro-transit. RideAustin, a local non-profit ride-hailing service operating since June 2016, has completed millions of trips and has shared travel data for research purposes. Information on pick-up and drop-off locations, timestamps, […]
In the meantime the US has become number 1 IPv6 nation in the world while India had the lead for a couple of months with some 100 M IPv6 users http://6lab.cisco.com/stats/ IPv6 will be the driving IP Protocols for IoT, Smart GRID, and thereby for Smart Cities. Promoting IPv4 now to cities is irresponsible as NAT […]
Energy and more specifically, smart, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy is one of the key infrastructures (services) in any successful Smart City project. This type of projects has the basic goal of improving people’s lives and the quality of living of its citizens using technology to enhance and improve such basic services as public safety, […]
A Framework of Smart and Secure Power Electronics Driven HVAC Thermal Inertia in Distributed Power Systems – Yue Cao, Katherine Davis and Saman Zonouz. Scheduling of Community Based Charging Stations with Genetic Algorithms – George Koutitas.
Thread : An IoT Protocol – Ishaq Unwala, Jiang Lu and Zafar Taqvi. Toward a Sensor Trustworthiness Measure for Grid-Connected IoT-Enabled Smart Cities – Megan Culler and Katherine Davis.
Transportation TBD
Closing: Key Takeaways for Thursday