Hope Young

Founder and CEO

Hope Young – MT-BC – Founder/CEO of the Center for Music Therapy and Executive Producer on the Movement Tracks Project. Award winning and internationally recognized clinician, innovator, entrepreneur and driving force behind the development of Biomedical Music™ to design inclusive active mobility solutions which improve treatment outcomes and quality of life for people with impaired mobility.

Solutions thinking involves impact driven partnerships which capitalize on human potential that is inspired, data driven and capitalizing on IOT eco systems powered by machine learning.

Impact is no longer allowed to happen in silos or simple one sector focus. Our work at on the Movement Tracks Project which is an inclusive active mobility solution is a unique SMART business and use case scenario which demonstrates solutions thinking now. We are creating a living laboratory site at the RBJ affordable housing site in Austin, Texas to dramatically accelerate smarter steps in community health, treatment, green house reductions, safety and mobility. Expanding business, research and main stream solutions across our interconnected sectors to impact our richly connected human lives we must tap into the art of the possible building truly sm”ART” solutions meant for humans



April 5, 2018
GLOB-01: Austin Smart City Initiatives
Room 105
11:45 AM  -  12:30 PM