Heather House

Associate, Mobility Transformation

Heather works at Rocky Mountain Institute on the Mobility Transformation team. Together, we aim to commercialize and stimulate the adoption of new mobility solutions toward shared, electric, and autonomous mobility solutions in a city designed for it. Heather works on-the-ground with the City of Austin on transforming its mobility system, working together to pilot innovative commuting solutions and drive the deployment of shared electric vehicle fleets, with an eye toward scalability. 

Before joining RMI, Heather worked across the cleantech industry. She worked at Austin Energy, on the Department of Energy’s grant-funded SunShot Initiative, Sustainable and Holistic Integration of Energy Storage and Solar PV (SHINES) project. She also worked at CleanTX, where she ran the first-ever EV group-buy in Texas. Heather also spent time at Meridian Solar, CleanTech Open, the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, Chesapeake Energy and Access Midstream.


April 5, 2018
TRAN-01: Current and Future State of Autonomous Vehicles and Electrified Vehicle Infrastructure
Room 204
11:45 AM  -  12:30 PM