TRAN-01: Current and Future State of Autonomous Vehicles and Electrified Vehicle Infrastructure

April 5, 2018
11:45 AM  -  12:30 PM
Room 204

Transportation Mobility Problem: Move people, assets (goods) efficiently and safely.

Solutions and Strategies for Smart Cities: Technologies, products, operation, services etc

The multi-dimensional aspects on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) , cover the following topics:

  • Electrification and wireless charging (EV-cars, EV-drones)
  • Autonomous vehicles (Safety and security)
  • Sharing Economy, last-mile for public transport (Uber, On-demand Van pool, bikes..)
  • Transportation Logistics (Fleet Platooning, Package delivery – Amazon, medical etc)
  • Future ITS – Smart Road, Accident avoidance, save lives especially on reducing casualties for VRUs (Vulnerable Road Users – Pedestrians, bikers etc).
  • Other related topics (etc.)

This panel will address these questions and more.


Session Category :  TRANSPORTATION