This panel session explores important aspects of the 5G base-platform which will provide critical next-generation services to the emerging Smart City. The advanced services available via the 5G “Smart City Backbone” will enable new application-layer technologies and services heretofore impossible with conventional municipal networks. The panel will capture current trends as well as future aspects, […]
Click for more information on 'TECH-02: Smart City Backbone: 5G Infrastructure & Technologies'
In 2014, Indian PM Modi declared to have “100 Smart Cities” and allocated funds in the national budget of March 2016 to achieve this objective. TATA Telecom Ltd. (TTL), one of India’s largest Telecom provider and part of the TATA conglomerate, decided to bid for these government projects. As part of educating their senior management […]
Autonomous machines (Drones, Rovers) in Smart Cities: How small autonomous vehicles, Drones and Rovers, can leverage both Autonomous Car, IoT and other technologies Future Smart Cites will include a place in the sky, on the sidewalk, on the road and in our buildings for autonomous services carried out by Drones and Rovers. This means there […]
Click for more information on 'TECH-04: Autonomous machines (Drones, Rovers) in Smart Cities'